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About Me


Hello Beautiful Souls, My name is Jessica and I am the heart behind Serenity Soul Ascensions. My spiritual awakening journey started back in 2019. I remember feeling so lost, not knowing where to go for information and guidance on what I was experiencing. In my search for information, I stumbled across Elysia Hartzels Sacred Soul Alignments course and I decided to take a leap of faith and signed up. I started running alignments for myself daily and before I knew it my life began to change exponentially.

I was able to acknowledge and clear old traumas from my childhood and past lives and by doing that I made room for better things to enter my life. I manifested a large amount of money into my life, I was able to move through my spiritual awakening much faster and with less difficulties than those around me. I learnt how to control my thoughts and emotions, and most importantly I learned to truly love myself as I am and because of this I am now experiencing a joy and love for life that I never experienced before. 

I started to run alignments for my friends and family, and they too started to notice positive changes in their lives some of which were as follows; reduction of anxiety, faster and less painful healing of injuries, the courage to put themselves first, breaking the cycle of dating the wrong people and attracting their soul mate, and unexplained money coming into their lives.

I have always had a passion for helping others and I knew it was what I was meant to do, but I didn't know how and now I do. If you have been guided to this page there is no doubt you are meant to be here and it would be my honor to help you bring these types of miracles into your life. Together we will work to clear out the old vibrational frequencies that are holding you back in life and raise your vibration so that you can start to manifest your best life possible. 

About Me: About
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