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What Are Sacred Soul Alignments?

Science has proven that everything is made from energy and it’s the essential element that fuels, shapes and creates all that you see, feel, sense, hear and touch.
From the air you breathe and the food you eat, to the clouds in the sky and the solid ground beneath your feet, from the computer, phone or device where you’re reading these words, to the thoughts you think and even the emotions you experience… In fact, YOU are energy!
Legendary scientist, engineer, inventor and futurist Nikola Tesla said,“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.” and I couldn’t agree more!
It’s why Sacred Soul Alignment is remarkably potent in bringing through deep lasting transformation and healing because the entire modality is designed around the single most important truth about our reality --everything is energy.
Essentially a compilation of hundreds of Sacred Energies called Alignments, Sacred Soul Alignment lets you in on the Secrets of the Universe and opens the door to unlimited healing magic so you can rise out of struggle, and trauma and start to co-create the life you truly desire.
These sacred energies have the ability to effortlessly align your personal vibrational frequency to specific Universal frequencies that allow you to unlock positive, energetic states of being such as abundance, peace, joy, happiness, health, love, compassion and that incomparably beautiful sense of Oneness and connection to All That Is.
It also dissolves frequencies that are harmful such as hidden trauma, rage, resentment, shame, guilt which are dense energies that can create insurmountable challenges, deep pain and overwhelming problems in your life including serious illness and dis-ease in your body.
Sacred Soul Alignment is truly the bridge between ancient wisdom and knowledge and scientific facts about energy. It allows you to unearth hidden gifts, truths, and skills such as psychic and healing abilities embedded deep in your DNA, gifts, truths and skills you don’t even know you have right now!
Another great scientist, possibly the greatest of them all --Albert Einstein --said “Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
That is essentially exactly what Sacred Soul Alignment is about…. the art, science and magic of aligning to the frequencies that match your desires.

Sacred Soul Alignments: Services
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